Residential customers call (800) 477-4747 and business customers call (800) 338-0178. Cherryland Electric Cooperative’s Tony Anderson runs marathons and raises money for Big Brothers Big Sisters “to change the ending for kids in need. The Cherryland office will be closed Monday, May 25, in observance of Memorial Day. Follow these simple steps to get Claim Your Rebates - Cherryland Electric Co-Op - Cherrylandelectric completely ready for submitting: Find the form you want in our library of templates. doxo is the simple, protected way to pay your bills with a single account and accomplish your financial goals. on Thursday, June 9, 2022. 00 Table of Contents - Checklist A-3. An Electrifying Debate: Cherryland Electric Pushes Back Against New Energy Waste Reduction Legislation. 11 Dishwasher 1200W 60 72 $7. Upgrade electric service and check the progress of your request. A-2. No surprises on your bill. , at 5:30 p. Read the guidelines to determine which info you need to provide. Every year we help youth and adults in our service territory as they build the skills that our community needs to be ready to meet future challenges. us tracks, records, and aggregates power outages across the United States. Account Number. Solar panels generally produce significantly less energy during the winter months than they do during the. Click on the fillable fields and put the necessary information. O. Cherryland Electric Cooperative is a member-owned electric utility that serves over 38,000 members. 2. Outage Map. Leelanau County, Michigan Electricity Overview. Careers A Great Place to Work Cherryland employs over 50 people. 182 /kWh $0. GRAWN — Electric service from Cherryland Electric Cooperative will cost more starting in March. mode_edit. 70, some $4 more. 02 INDEX (Continued from Sheet No. That's why our members established Cherryland Cares—it's a way of lending a hand to northern Michigan nonprofits doing good work in ourCherryland Electric Cooperative SmartHub - Pay Now. A-2. See current career opportunities that are available at Cherryland Electric CooperativeElectric Providers Electric Providers for Michigan . A-2. Call the Cherryland Electric Cooperative customer service by dialing . I authorize Cherryland Electric Cooperative to deduct my payment(s) from the checking or savings account listed above. [email protected]. m. Other utilities in our region and state are striving to join us. When it comes to creating emotional attachmentCherryland Electric Cooperative also offers commercial customers a $1,000 rebate for the purchase of a Level 2 EV charging station. Cherryland Electric Cooperative crews have been out since early this morning to restore power after overnight high winds. 31 South, Grawn MI, 49637 Cherryland Electric Cooperative is an equal opportunity provider and employer. No. (Continued on Sheet No. Electric service to one of downtown Binghamton's tallest buildings was knocked out following a reported transformer explosion. 59 kilograms of CO2 emissions are released in Michigan because of electricity consumption. 00) SECTION C STANDARD RULES AND REGULATIONS Sheet No. 1. Because they are not-for-profits, cooperatives don't operate to make shareholders richer. A-2. Welcome to the Pay Now Site. 03 reduction for residential rate)NATIONAL RURAL UTILITIES BORROWER NAME Cherryland Electric Cooperative COOPERATIVE FINANCE CORPORATION BORROWER DESIGNATION MI044 FINANCIAL AND STATISTICAL REPORT ENDING DATE 12/31/2015 Submit one electronic copy and one signed hard copy to CFC. 5 – Electric Cherryland Electric Cooperative Original Sheet No. Version: 23. 24—GRAWN — Electric service from Cherryland Electric Cooperative will cost more starting in March. Cherryland Electric Cooperative’s board of directors. 91 cents. Ontonagon County REA 7. There will be a few outages remaining overnight due to tasks that are members’ responsibilities, but we’ll have the majority restored by nightfall. 5 – Electric Cherryland Electric Cooperative Original Sheet No. or even run in it! Check out these frequently asked questions about our elections. GRAWN — Electric service from Cherryland Electric Cooperative will cost more starting in March. 30 Toaster 1150W 1 1 $0. If you don't see your question or answer listed here, please call our office at (231) 486-9200. C. A-1. 00 Issued October 18, 2010 Effective for service rendered on and By Tony Anderson after October 18, 2010. Those experiencing a power outage are encouraged to text Cherryland at 800-442-8616. 91 cents. I understand that I control my payments and anytime I decide to stop this payment service, I will notify Cherryland Electric Cooperative. ARLINGTON, Va. Cherry Capital Communications offers you a better way: High-speed, truly uncapped internet for all the browsing, streaming and searching your life demands. These changes include: • $3 […]2023 Government Rebates for Air Conditioning Replacements. m. About us. Cherryland Electric Cooperative is a member-owned electric utility located in the Northwestern Lower Peninsula of Michigan in the beautiful Grand Traverse area. Customers Tracked: 42,004 Customers Out: 0 Last Updated: 2023-07-19 02:38:44 AM Due to an upcoming retirement, we have a rare opportunity for a Journeyman Lineworker at Cherryland Electric Cooperative. The mission of Cherryland Cares is to help people help themselves through the accumulation and disbursement of funds for charitable purposes in the service area defined as the six-county service territory of Cherryland Electric Cooperative. Cherryland Electric Cooperative crews have been out since early this morning to restore power after overnight high winds. (Continued on Sheet No. ENTRANT MUST BE A CHERRYLAND ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE MEMBER IN GOOD STANDING. 149 /kWh. That is why we take an active role in supporting local economic development and helping businesses reach their goals. Present: Tom Van Pelt, President Dave Schweitzer, Sr. 7 Address. Two-hundred-fifty-four tons: According to northern Michigan’s Cherryland Electric, that number constitutes the amount of greenhouse gas the utility was able to keep out of the. My utility, Cherryland Electric Cooperative, has generation resources that are more than 60 percent carbon-free today. Cherryland Electric Cooperative, Grawn, Michigan. A-2. Under the program, Cherryland buys electricity generated by the Cadillac solar array project through a power purchase agreement with Wolverine Power Cooperative. The Cherryland Electric Cooperative community solar installation (450 solar panels, two-megawatt system) cost approximately $220,000, and the Village of L’Anse community solar installation (200. 0 Renewable Energy Programs It’s not just Cherryland that can take action. Emergency phone: 1-800-442-8616. Last Updated. Version: 23. 01 Issued June 28, 2011 Effective for bills rendered on and after By Tony Anderson January 1, 2020 General Manager Grawn, Michigan Issued under authority of the Board of Directors dated June 27, 2011 Power Supply Cost RecoveryLeelanau County, Michigan Electricity Overview. Menominee, MI 49858. 00 DEFINITION OF TIME PERIODS USED IN TIME-OF-DAY RATES Issued October 23, 2009 Effective for service rendered on and after By Tony Anderson September 1, 2009 General Manager Grawn, Michigan Issued under authority of the Board of Directors dated July 20, 2009Cherryland Electric Cooperative The Annual Meeting of the members of Cherryland Electric Cooperative will be called to order at Turtle Creek Stadium in Traverse City, Michigan, at 4 p. We were also the first utility in the state of Michigan to do a pilot of (nonprofit. D-4. 0Can’t access your account? Don’t have an account? Register now. Marquette, MI 49855. CHERRYLAND ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE RATE BOOK FOR ELECTRIC SERVICECherryland Electric Cooperative offers a dual meter program that allows members to receive a reduced rate for permanently installed, electric-based heating units. No. coop David Schweitzer was re-elected in June 2023 to serve a three-year term through 2026. Outage update (4:00 PM): Outages are. 9. 2. They can help you with questions such as you bill, rates, or the terms of your contract. The following will be brought before the members for their action: 1. 113C 11 08_Board Candidate Certificate of Understanding 13 09_Nominating Petition 2021 14 10_Bylaws2016 16 1 BYLAWS 16 2. It is one of the only programs in the nation to pilot “virtual net metering,” combined with weatherization. Over the years, the nonprofit has seen exponential growth since it energized its first 300 miles of lines in 1939 for 60 members. 73 cents per kilowatt hour. Directors MECA is a democratic organization controlled by members who set guidelines to steer the association. Together, we reviewed […]Garfield Township planning commissioners approved plans Wednesday for the new owner of the Sears building at the Cherryland Center to open a K1 Speed indoor go kart racing center – with the owner targeting an early summer 2023 opening. Upper Peninsula Power Company. 02) Issued October 18, 2010 Effective for service rendered on and By Tony Anderson after October 18, 2010. 00 DEFINITION OF TIME PERIODS USED IN TIME-OF-DAY RATES Issued October 23, 2009 Effective for service rendered on and after By Tony Anderson September 1, 2009 General Manager Grawn, Michigan Issued under authority of the Board of Directors dated July 20, 2009Between 2009 and 2021, Cherryland Electric was required by Michigan to run an EWR rebate program based largely around Energy Star products. 34 cents per kilowatt hour, Leelanau County's average is 9. m. The co-op's board unanimously voted Monday to approve an increase to the utility's. 7 cents per kilowatt-hour from the current 11. The Northwest Michigan Community Action Agency completed. Photo Contest Enter the Photo Contest! Every month we will announce a new theme and invite you to take and submit your best shot. Aug 31, 2022. The Traverse City area electric companies offer rebate programs for the correct disposal of other appliances, like air conditioners, dehumidifiers, and more. A-2. S. The following items will be brought before the members for. S. 0 EF or. Other restrictions may apply. 2022 Cherryland. About us. 5 – Electric Cherryland Electric Cooperative Original Sheet No. 3 - Electric Second Revised Sheet No. Cherryland Electric also would reduce its energy charge to 11. 0. Cherryland Electric also would reduce its energy charge to 11. 2023 Cherryland Electric Cooperative Election Anyone who is a member of record, whether or not the member plans to attend our Annual Meeting, may cast a ballot in the 2023 Cherryland Electric Cooperative Board of. m. Electric one-line drawings . j***@cherrylandelectric. “Little” Jon greets “Big” Tony at the finish line. Click on the fillable fields and put the necessary information. A-2. 5 – Electric Cherryland Electric Cooperative Original Sheet No. C. Manage all your bills, get payment due date reminders and schedule automatic payments from a single app. 5 – Electric Cherryland Electric Cooperative Original Sheet No. Cherryland Electric Cooperative. Director of Human Resources at Cherryland Electric Cooperative Traverse City, MI. Cherryland Electric Cooperative is an equal opportunity provider and employer. The co-op’s board unanimously voted Monday to approve an increase to the utility’s monthly. Our main job is to maintain the system that moves power from substations within our territory to the 38,000 meters that serve our members. I acknowledge that qualifying generators must meet all safety and interconnection standards toDavid Schweitzer President Director - At Large Term: 2026 (231) 883-5860 [email protected] Charging Goodbye, visits to the gas station. 00 Index A-2. Can’t access your account? Don’t have an account? Register now. Sept. 5 – Electric Cherryland Electric Cooperative Original Sheet No. DeepRootsThe OF APPLEMICHIGAN’SINDUSTRY COUNTRY LINES September 2022 MICHIGAN Cherryland Electric Cooperative Answering The Call Local Libraries: The Unsung Heroes of. directions. 00On the heels of the conversion of the former Kmart building into a new curling center, another Cherryland Center anchor building is being revitalized. In Grand Traverse County, Utility Companies provide electricity, natural gas, water, and sewer services. Box 298 Grawn, MI 49637 Customer Service: (800) 442-8616 or local (231) 486-9200 (rates. Electric gate repair in Cherryland is available today and requires an extensive amount of training and knowledge in the mechanics of the gate and electrical engineering to property diagnose and repair the issues that you may experience. As of 4 a. S. Directors MECA is a democratic organization controlled by members who set guidelines to steer the association. UTILITY WORKERS 1733 LAMB RD INTERLOCHEN, MI 49643. 02) Issued January 23, 2023 Effective for service rendered on and By Tony. Pumpkin Recipes Due by August 1. Read the guidelines to determine which info you need to provide. Web: cherrylandelectric. The Cherryland Electric Cooperative, located in Grawn, MI, is an utility company that provides public services for Grawn residents. 5930 U. Previously, Courtney was a News Anchor at 9 & 10 News and also held positions at 9 & 10 News, Central Michigan University, 9 & 10 News, The Walt Disney Company. Welcome to Cherryland! We’re glad you’re joining our co-op and hope you are too! We want to make turning the lights on as easy as possible. To exit the Customer Summary and. Board Elections Every spring, you can vote in our Board of Directors election. $100 Interconnection Application Fee . In the Antrim, Benzie, Grand Traverse, Kalkaska, and Leelanau counties combined, Cherryland Electric Cooperative and Consumers Energy outage maps showed more than 10,000 customers without power. (Continued on Sheet No. Phone number: 1-231-486-9200 / 1-800-442-8615. 8. (Continued on Sheet No. Director, Safety at Cherryland Electric Cooperative. General ManagerRob Marsh is a Digital Branding Leader at Bill Marsh Auto Group based in Traverse City, Michigan. Jeff Puffer's Phone Number and Email. P. D-4. Version: 23. Normal […]Cherryland Electric Cooperative. This. 88 cents, ranking the company at 35th out of 60 providers in Michigan for lowest average electricity price. The grid. Around 34. Cherryland Electric. The provider had total sales and disposition. m. 15% less than Michigan's average price of 17. 01 Issued June 28, 2011 Effective for bills rendered on and after By Tony Anderson January 1, 2020 General Manager Grawn, Michigan Issued under authority of the Board of Directors dated June 27, 2011 Power Supply Cost Recovery. D-2. Tony Anderson’s quest to run marathons in all 50 states and the District of Columbia concluded May 3 and raised more than $500,000 for Big Brothers Big Sisters of Northwestern Michigan. A-2. Cherryland Electric Cooperative is a member-owned electric utility that serves over 38,000 members. ENTRANT MUST BE A CHERRYLAND ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE MEMBER IN GOOD STANDING. Manistee County 911 1527 East Parkdale Avenue Manistee, Michigan 49660 24/7 Non-emergency: 231-723-6241 Admin Phone: 231-723-2843 Fax: 231-723-4511We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. You elect our Board of Directors and they manage the business affairs of our cooperative. 2Cherryland Electric Cooperative is a not-for-profit, member-owned electric utility serving 36,000 members in the Grand Traverse region. Transparency, convenience, and technology. Call ahead to ensure rebate funding for this item is still available $500 HVAC Electric Water Heater (Storage) New construction or fuel switch from natural gas or propane $500 Heat Pump Water Heater New construction or fuel switch from natural gas or propane. -4:00 p. The $16,000 grant will be distributed to the Grand Traverse Dyslexia Association.